Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Drastic Cuts

You're supposed to prune evergreen shrubs in February around here, so I'm told. I've always been a shy, reluctant pruner, and as a result my bushes on the patio have taken on a life of their own. I decided that this year was the year to be brutal with the tall and scraggly things. I hope I haven't killed them. Here they are before I had my way with them:

I'm hoping they'll recover in a couple of years and I can be more diligent about keeping them in shape from now on.

I did look in my books for advice, and I looked online, too, so I'm hopeful. Not exactly confident, but hopeful.


  1. I hope it works out. I'm a fan of the overgrown, a.k.a lazy. Good thing I don't have a yard at the moment.

    1. i'm also a fan of the overgrown. i've been the bane of many a neighbor with my "meadow" philosophy. ;) i've told neighbors that i'm cooperating with the will of god: if god wants it watered, it'll rain; if god wants it tall, it'll grow; if god wants to sow wildflowers (weeds?) in my yard, who am i to oppose the will of god... my neighbors have always appreciated my husband, who doesn't buy into my thinking on the subject. lol

      here we live in a townhouse with a small patio, and what i've planted and let grow uninhibited is severely encroaching on the patio seating area and the house eave. *sigh* i need to find some plants that don't grow so large with such wild abandon

  2. Plants that grow large with wild abandon sound great to me. I'm all for the overblown, overgrown look. I'm not the gardener here though, that realm belongs to DH. He is starting things for his spring veggie garden already.

    Hope your roses appreciate your care and give back with beautiful blooms.


    1. i do love townhouse living, but i miss wild abandon in plantings. i'm not sure what these bushes are. they have tiny little yellow flowers. the bees love them, and i enjoy watching the bees. i'm hoping my pruning will help them fill out a bit and not be so scraggly. they send single shoots up high but don't branch unless i cut them back.
